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Information about this website.

This is the official website of Miguel Angel González Aguado. It was created in 2000 and is always in change to include the last news about him. Here you can consult about his instrumental records published Canción de Invierno since the year 2000, Composiciones Secretas since 2013 (both are albums) and in 2018: firstly the single Piensa que lo lograrás was published, then the album Fuerza de Voluntad and then the single Paseando por Madrid.

New album "Confía en Mí"

His new album Confía en Mí was published in 2023 and it's available on these digital platforms around the world with his other records.

The single of the album Te va a ayudar was also published in 2023. Both, album and single are dedicated to Jesus of Nazareth.

And Miguel Angel González Aguado has loaded to YouTube a video with his proposal for the Community of Madrid Anthem! composed by him: it's his composition Paseando por Madrid in anthem format for the CAM.

All his records are composed by Miguel Angel González Aguado. In this website there is also information about his books and the history of more than 30 years giving concerts.

Guitar and bass lessons.

You can also find information about the guitar lessons that he offers in Madrid city (Spain) and in places of the north area or Carretera A 1 of Madrid, but also online from any part of the World. You may also be interested in other lessons that he also offers or if you are going to stay in Madrid just a few days the guitar touristic course.

Miguel Angel González Aguado has a great professional profile and is a qualified teacher with "Guitar Teacher Superior Degree" from Conservatoire and "Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude" from University (that means he's got a Secondary or High School Music Teacher Degree). His students are learning well, even the smallest and their parents happy with their progress.

More information.

In this website there are also several help pages not only for his students but for people in the entire World so that from your homes you can read explanations about how to tune the guitar or for example read about how to put a string. Actually, in this website there are many more things to read so it's an interesting site for people that likes music. During all these years, this web site has had many visits from many countries. On 9th of may of 2002, this web site was mentioned by "Ciber-País", a publication of "El País" (one of the Spanish most important newspaper), for being interesting.