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Guitar lessons online

With this service, you can learn how to play the classical, electric, acoustic or bass guitar from any part of the World by videocall from your computer at your own home. You can take lessons from your computer at home by internet videocall. You can learn online perfectly well! Miguel Angel González Aguado has a great professional profile and is a qualified teacher with "Guitar Teacher Superior Degree" from Conservatoire and "Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude" from University (that means he's got a Secondary or High School Music Teacher Degree). His students are learning well, even the smallest and their parents happy with their progress.

Prices of the lessons:

The price of one hour online lesson is 17 € although if you take two lessons per week drops to 14 €. The first lesson is a trial therefore a free lesson. You can share your lesson with another family member, for example your brother, at the same price.

But you can also share lessons with other students in a group video call at reduced prices. To motivate the smallest practice and also that the classes are entertaining and not too long, he offers 2 lessons per week of 40 minutes each, at 20 euros per week in total (that is 10 euros each student). A standard 8 lessons month would be 40 euros each student. If there were more than 8 lessons in a month, that surplus could be compensated in another month that there was less and so it always be 40 euros maximum per month per student. If there were three students in the videocall, each month would be at 28 € each student, more information.

How to start.

You must have a user account on a videocall platform as Skype, Zoom, etc and set the video and audio to make the videocall. Then contact Miguel Angel González Aguado on the data shown below to have the first trail class which is free. Then he will tell you how to make the payments.

Contact information.

Phone and WhatsApp: +34658910099


Skype account: canciondeinvierno

More contact data

More recommendations.

You may be interested on his online piano lesson and other instruments like sitar, mandolin,... and music theory and harmony as well as Spanish online lessons.

Students may choose the language in which they would like to receive guitar lessons, in English or in Spanish and practice this language at the time. It's also possible to have the lessons in both languages for better understanding and major comfort of the student.

It could be interesting for online students to know that Miguel Angel González Aguado offers Summer courses in his Studio in which he teaches guitar, music and Spanish culture or if you are going to stay in Madrid just a few days a guitar touristic course.